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A recent article from Biz Report features an in-depth interview with Josh Shea, the lead developer at New York-based digital marketing agency Overit.
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A recent article from ITworld examined these processes that make the creation of a great mobile application so complicated.
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There are several issues to consider prior to launching a mobile application development project. Most importantly, businesses have to decide which approach they want to take.
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Like CollectivePoint, the Catalyst Teen Center (CTC) is all about making a difference in people's lives.
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With proper cloud development, you can build a system that allows you to view, store and manage your data seamlessly without jeopardizing its security or your productivity.
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Bridging the gap between your users' preferences and the technology necessary to be viable in 2014 requires custom software development that creates solutions that anyone can use.
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A recent article from Entrepreneur examined some of the questions organizations need to ask themselves before deciding to invest in a mobile app.
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Working with a custom software developer can help organizations obtain a simple user interface for complex operations.
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It's clear that mobile devices will play a major role in the future of corporate operations, but many companies will need the help of a mobile app developer to create the prefect program for their business.
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The choice here depends on the company's needs. However, by working with an experienced software application development firm, businesses gain access to a knowledge base that covers different platforms and can help organizations move smoothly into the mobile realm.